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Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Differentiating ensembles and sample spaces: Alignment between statistical mechanics and probability theory


Sample space is the primary concept introduced in any probability and statistics books and in papers. However, there needs to be more clarity about what constitutes a sample space in general: there is no explicit distinction between the unique event set and the replica sets. The resolution of this ambiguity lies in the concept of an ensemble.  The concept is first introduced by American theoretical physicist and engineer Gibbs in his book Elementary principle of statistical mechanics The primary utility of an ensemble is a mathematical construction that differentiates between samples and how they would form extended objects. 

In this direction, we provide the basics of constructing ensembles in a pedagogically accessible way from sample spaces that clears up a possible misconception. This usage of ensemble prevents the overuse of the term sample space for different things. We introduce some basic formal definitions.

    Figure: Gibbs's book
 introduced the concept of
ensemble (Wikipedia).

What Gibbs's had in mind by constructing statistical ensembles?

A statistical ensemble is a mathematical tool that connects statistical mechanics to thermodynamics. The concept lies in defining microscopic states for molecular dynamics; in statistics and probability, this corresponds to a set of events. Though these events are different at a microscopic level, they are sampled from a single thermodynamics ensemble, a representative of varying material properties or, in general, a set of independent random variables. In dynamics, micro-states samples an ensemble. This simple idea has helped Gibbs to build a mathematical formalism of statistical mechanics companion to Boltzmann's theories.

Differentiating sample space and ensemble in general

The primary confusion in probability theory on what constitutes a samples space is that there is no distinction between primitive events or events composed of primitive events. We call both sets sample space. This terminology easily overlooked in general as we concentrate on events set but not the primitive events set in solving practical problems.   

Definition: A primitive event \mathscr{e} implies a logically distinct unit of experimental realisation that has not composed of any other events.

Definition: A sample space \mathscr{S} is a set formed by all N distinct primitive events \mathscr{e}_{i}.  

By this definition, regardless of how many fair coins are used or if a coin toss in a sequence for the experiment, the sample space is always {H,T}, because these are the most primitive distinct events a system can have, i.e., a single coin outcomes. However, the statistical ensemble can be different.  For example for two fair coins or coin toss in sequence of length two, corresponding ensemble of system size two reads {HH, TT, HT, TH}. Then, the definition of ensemble follows. 

Definition: An ensemble  \mathscr{E} is a set of ordered set of primitive events \mathscr{e}_{i}. These event sets can be sampled with replacement but order matters, i.e., \{e_{i}, e_{j} \} \ne  \{e_{j}, e_{i} \}, i \ne j.

Our two coin example's ensemble should be formally written as \mathscr{E}=\{\{H,H\}, \{T,T\}, \{H,T\}, \{T,H\}\}, as order matters members HT and TH are distinct. Obviously for a single toss ensemble and a sample space will be the same. 

Ergodicity makes the need for differentiation much more clear : Time and ensemble averaging 

The above distinction makes building time and ensemble averaging much easier. The term ensemble averaging is obvious as we know what would be the ensemble set and averaging over this set for a given observable.  Time averaging then could be achieved by curating a much larger set by resampling with replacement from the ensemble. Note that the resulting time-average value would not be unique, as one can generate many different sample sets from the ensemble. However, bear in mind that the definition of how to measure convergence to ergodic regime is not unique.


Even though the distinction we made sounds very obscure,  this alignment between statistical mechanics and probability theory may clarify the conception of ergodic regimes for general practitioners.

Further reading

Please Cite:

     title = {Differentiating ensembles and sample spaces: Alignment between statistical mechanics and probability theory}, 
     howpublished = {\url{https://science-memo.blogspot.com/2022/11/ensembles-probability-theory.html}, 
     author = {Mehmet Süzen},
     year = {2022}


  • If there are multiple events coming from set of primitive events, compositional outcomes considered to be ensemble not sample space. Sample space is a set that we sample from, either one or multiple times to build an ensemble. Ensemble notion within pure ML context was also noticed by late David J. C. MacKay, in his book Information Theory, Inference and Learning, Cambridge University Press (2003).

(c) Copyright 2008-2024 Mehmet Suzen (suzen at acm dot org)

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